Erano 128: sono rimasti i soliti due, Roger e Rafa. Diokovic ha retto un set
Federer soffre per tre set ma li vince.
Davydenko avanti di un break ogni set.
Ma lo svizzero ha troppa più classe.
E il russo troppa meno personalità.
Peccato per Trevisan:2 matchpoints mancati.
Roger:”Potevo perdere ciascun set”.
“Il favorito è Nadal,ma a Amburgo ho vinto io”.
Nikolay:”Ho perso troppi punti importanti”.
Santangelo-Molik vincono il doppio.
Intervista di Nadal e Federer.
Pillole parigine del venerdì.
Fabbiano in finale nel doppio junior.
L’interista Cambiasso a Parigi senza argentini.
Stasera a cena con Nadal

8 Giugno 2007 Articolo di Ubaldo Scanagatta
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Matteo Trevisan
Matteo Trevisan (foto Enrico Milani)


Roger Federer è in finale, l’ottava finale consecutiva in uno Slam (record di Jack Crawford superato) ma avevo visto giusto. E’ stato molto pià duro battere Davydenko per lui che battere Djokovi per Nadal.
Nadal è in finale anche lui inftati, 7-,6-4,6-2 a Djokovic. Rafa deve ancora perdere un set in questo torneo. A parigi ancora non ha mai perso. Esordì nel 2005 e vinse subito. Sette a quattro i confronti diretti fra Rafa e Roger, con lo spagnlo che ne ha vinti 5 sulla terra ma ha perso l’ultimo a Amburgo. Un grande Nadal, contro un ottimo Djokovic.
“Sono molto contento per la vittoria: stavo 5-2 30 a 0 nel primo set, poi ho avuto un momento di difficoltà, ma l’aver vinto il primo set è stato molto importante…Per battere Federer dovrò giocare al meglio, lo so, lui è il più forte”
Davydenko lo ha fatto soffrire set dopo set 7-5,7-6,7-6. …..E con un po’ più di personalità avrebbe magari vinto. Forse ha sofferto la maggior personalità dlelo svizzero. In 13 dei 18 turni di servizio di Federer Davydenko è partito meglio, ha avuto almeno un 15 di vantaggio. Ma Federer non si è mai disunito.
Insomma Federer è stato abbastanza umile, ha corso, ha subìto spesso l’anticipo del russo, ma ha giocato meglio i ounti importanti. Segno di classe e di superiore tranquillià. Spesso Davydenko, nei momenti cruciali, pareva quasi angosciato. La differenza, oltre che di classe pura, stava proprio nella diversa gestione dei punti clou: serena quella di Federer, ansiosa quella di Davydenko. Alla fine Federer pur vincendo 3 set a zero, ha fatto soltanto 8 punti più del suo avversario (servendo due punti di più). Lo svizzero ha salvato 14 pallebreak, 10 nel primo set, 1 nel secondo, 3 nel terzo, mentre Davydenko che ne aveva salvate 0 nel primo set e due nel secondo, ne ha dovute salvare 9 (di cui cinque nel game del 5-3) nel terzo.
Il russo è stato avanti di un break in tutti e tre e set il russo, e nel terzo ha mancato 3 setpoint, due sul 5-3 e servizio, più un altro nel tiebreak.
Il russo era avanti 3-1 nel primo set e ha avuto 4 pallebreak per il 5-2, mancate le quali _ come spesso succede _ è stato lui nel game successivo a perdere il servizio e a rimettere in corsa lo svizzero che ha vinto il primo set 7-5. Nel secondo il break a favore del russo è arrivato sul 4 pari, a 15, ma subito Federer glielo ha restituito e, una volta giunti al tiebreak due dritti regalo di Davydenko sono costati al russo l’handicap dei primi due set.
Nel terzo Nikolay avanti 3-1, Federer talvolta in affanno, era lui a correre di più. Davydenko è stato avanti 5-2 e 0-30, poii sul 5-3 ha servito un game intermnabile di 18 punti. Ha avuto due setpoint, uno glielo ha annullato Federer con una fucilata di dritto finita sulla riga che l’ha costretto all’errore, l’altro ha sbagliato lui un dritto. La sesta palla break gli è stata fatale. Arrivati al tiebreak Federer è salito sul 3-1 e 4-2,5-3,5-4 e lì Davydenko è venuto finalmente a prendersi un punto a rete e a recuperare il mini-break. Ma a 6-5 è arrivato roger: il suo primo matchpoint è stato annullaot da una palla rimbalzata male. Poi sul 7-6 Davydenko ha avuto il suo terzo setpoint ma federer ha messo a segno un servizio vincente. Sul secondo matchpoin Federer ha giocato un rovescio tagliato e incrociato, Davydenko si è trovato costretto a venire avanti ma il suo rovescio lungolinea è finito fuori. Tre ore e 01 e Federerera pr il secondo anno consecutivo in finale al Roland Garros. Non so se vincerà, ma nella peggiore delle ipotesi è il secondo tennista del mondo sulla terra rossa. e il primo da tutte le altre parti.

Santangelo e Molik hanno vinto il doppio 7-6,6-4 sulla slovena Srebotnik e la giapponese Sugiyama, E’ il primo titolo di doppio femminile mai vinto da un’italiana. Raffi Reggi aveva vinto con Casal il misto. Ma non aveva vinto 290.000 euro (in coppia) come Mara e Alicia. Sono state premiate da Francoise Durr con la coppa Simone Mathieu. Alicia Molik ha detto sul campo: “Grazie a chi è rimasto, finire così tardi alle 21,15…è solo il nostro secondo torneo, e naturalmente a Mara che mi ha aiutato a vincere, grazie anche a Giampaolo Coppo ….” Ebbrai di gioia Mara Santangelo.
Peccato che a vedere non c’era quasi nessuno, Pessima la programmazione. Almeno se Federer o Nadal avessero perso un set la partita non sarebbe finita.
Più sotto l’intervista di Federer e di Davydenko, e di Nadal


strong>Nota di .UBS: Purtroppo Matteo Trevisan non ce l’ha fatto. Perdeva 6-4,4-2, ha vinto il secondo al tiebreak dopo essere stato sotto 6-5 15-30 (a due punti dalla sconfitta) e nel terzo lunghissimo set ha avuto due matchpoitn che il lungo biondo australiano (1m92cm), Greg Jones ha annullato con due aces. L’ultimo australiano in finale qui era stato Stoltenberg nell’87, l’ultimo a vincere John Newcombe. Ho visto un’oretta soltanto del match di Matteo: se venisse un po’ più a rete, anzichè sparare soltanto bordate da fondo, e giocasse ogni tanto una smorzata sarebbe più forte. E’ comunque già molto forte.
“”Credo che Jones vincerà il torneo. E’ più forte del bielorusso Ignatic…ora voglio andare a Wimbledon, ma lì non mi aspetto di vincere (qui invece ci sperava, legittimamente).”
Mi sono permesso di consigliargli di andare un po’ prima, per giocare qualche giorno, melgio un torneino, ma non so se lo farà. Il difetto di Trevisan, per qule che ho potuto vedere, è che va poco avanti, nemmeno quando ape il campo e sull’erba non te lo perdonano, PILLOLE DEL VENERDìIl tennis piace ai calciatori, Non solo al Foro Italico, dove si erano visti Totti, Panucci, Aquilani, Mancini, Perrotta, De Rossi, Toni…
Al Roland Garros è venuto per tre giorni l’interista argentino Esteban Cambiasso, ma purtroppo un’amichevole a Barcellona gli ha impedito di assistere al match dell’unico argentino superstite ai quarti, Canas battuto da Davydenko. Ha parlato con Federer, cui ha raccontato di aver giocato a Basilea un’amichevole Svizzera-Argentina nello stadio dove Roger andava da piccolo in bicicletta.

Oggi al Roland Garros anche un grande campione della NBA, Paul Gasol, grande amico di Rafa Nadal. Rimarrà per la finale, così come rimarranno per la finale femminile, i fratelli e la sorella di Justine Henin. Difficile, invece, che arrivi anche i padre. “Gli metterebbe addosso troppa pressione”.

A Parigi anche il principe ereditario del Qatar, Tamim Al-Thani: una volta giocò perfino le qualificazioni del torneo di Doha. Non vi dico il risultato, ma potete immaginarlo.

Pat Rafter è in vacanza in Italia con la moglie, Lara Feltham, e i figli. Era venuto anche qui al Roland Garros. Prima è andato a Venezia, poi andrà sul lago di Como. Non verrà a vedere la finale junior raggiunta dal connazionale Greg Jones, la prima finale dai tempi di Jason Stoltenberg. A vincere l’ultimo aussie è stato John Newcombe che nell’ultimo game contro il brasiliano Thomas Koch mise a segno ben quattro aces. Con due aces Jones ha cancellato sull’7-8 al terzo due matchpoints al nostro Trevisan che aveva vinto con Santa Croce e con il Bonfiglio 22 incontri consecutivi fra gli juniores.

Thomas Fabbiano è in finale al doppio junior. C’è arrivato in coppia con il bielorusso Karatchenia che da quattro anni vive in Italia a casa del maestro di Fabbiano, Mario Pierri. Giocherà la finale contro D’Amico-Eysseric.

Cena stasera dal “Napoletano”: Il ristorante che aveva cacciato Nadal l’altra sera, all’angolo con rue de Colisee, e Rafa era finito dal solito Pino sugli Champs Elysee, stasera gli ha riservato un tavolo per 14. Ci andranno anche Giorgio Di Palermo, Vittorio Selmi e il soprascritto (se non ci stiamo iin un tavolo accanto…speriamo che ci lascino le briciole!)

R. FEDERER/N. Davydenko

7-5, 7-6, 7-6


Q. Davydenko seemed to not produce and came up with something like three breaks obtained on like 17 opportunities. Is it fair to say that you didn’t have your best match today or Nikolay Davydenko was a good opposition, even though he didn’t produce in key moments?
ROGER FEDERER: No, I mean, I think I’m, first of all, of course very happy, you know, I’ve won the match. The way, too. You know, I played excellent when I had to. And it was a very tough match. So it was a great battle, like expected, really.
I didn’t have a great amount of first serve percentage, but I had them when I needed them. And usually they came over breakpoints, during the tiebreakers. So in the key moments it was there, and that was the most important.
But it was very physical, you know. It was three hours for three sets, and that’s always a long time. So I felt good out on the court. And, yeah, I’m so happy to be back in the finals of course.

Q. You think this year you get more chances than last year, winning Roland Garros here?
ROGER FEDERER: I don’t know. First, I have to see who wins, you know. That’s going to matter a little bit of how I’m going to play. But, never know if the chances are higher or lower, you know. But I’ve put myself again in a great position, you know. I’ve played well all two weeks, basically, and there’s just one more match to go.
Last year I came out of the blocks very, very strong with a great first set, but after that, I couldn’t handle Nadal. So I hope this year’s going to be different.

Q. Is it tough not to crack today, but you seemed to do it when you had to, and you seemed to be able to go up a gear and find your best game when you really needed to. In each set that happened. Is that something that consciously you can do and get yourself and make yourself do?
ROGER FEDERER: Oh, no, not really. I mean, there’s days you can do it. Days you can’t. You know, and I could have lost each set, basically, you know. So I was, of course, very happy to have come through.
But still, you know, he’s not the greatest server, you know, we have in the game. So you always have to expect yourself to come back in key moments. Because if you get the rally going, and, you know, he misses a couple and you play well, all of a sudden, you break him very quickly. So, that’s what happens with baseliners like him, you know. And you just have to stay with him.
The first set was key, you know, I thought, instead of being down double break, I came back and broke him, you know. That was just such a big moment that I was very happy. And that was basically the way it was going to be, too, in the second and third set.

Q. The first few games, I mean, have you ever seen him play quite that well? And in the end, how much do you think the 8 and 0 helped you out? Does it play on his mind at all?
ROGER FEDERER: I don’t think it matters much in a moment like this, you know. Maybe gives me a bit of an edge in the key moments, you might think. But, I mean, we go to work so hard that it doesn’t come into consideration for some reason, you know.
Now that — the start was unbelievable from his side, absolutely. I mean, he hit clean winners over and over again. You know, I tried to play aggressive, but I couldn’t. The serve wasn’t helping me out either. And he was so solid, that I was lucky to stay in the first set, that was obvious.

Q. You just mentioned that there are some days when you can step it up and other days when you can’t go to that Plan B. Could you talk about that. Why? Is it the opposition? Is it within you? Why can you sort of do it sometimes and other times it’s not there?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, because sometimes you can — you know, you feel good and you can turn around matches by playing well. And sometimes you have to hope that the opponent gives it to you and every little bit helps you out, you know, by playing bad at the right time. But you have to always stay with your opponent, you know. So if he does, you know, mess it up, then you’re right there to take it. And that’s what usually the best guys do, because we don’t have a great day every day either. So we have to always just make sure we stay with the guys, and hopefully in the important moments, we take the right decisions.
And with the experience, I think that usually does pay off, but not always.

Q. Was there a player or two in your long career who was particularly tough to go to Plan B, who cut you off, so to speak?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I mean, the big servers are the worst, you know, of course. That’s why you have to be so careful in your own service games - no double faults, no bad starts to your own service games. Because if you get behind, you’re behind, you know. And against the big servers, you just tend to — they play it on their terms and that’s the worst thing to be in.

Q. Where does eight straight finals rank in terms of your career accomplishments?
ROGER FEDERER: I guess, very high. It’s hard to put it against other records, of course, you know, because this is over a long time. This shows consistency. And it always used to be the problem of my young career, you know, back in the day, consistency. And now, I’m, you know, the most consistent player, you know, and it’s great to be. And it’s a great feeling being in all these big matches over and over again. And I love it. So this is big. No doubt.

Q. In the context of your career, what would it mean to win this title?
ROGER FEDERER: It would mean a lot (laughing). There’s not much more I can say, really. I mean, I’ve put myself in the position, now I just have one match to go. So hopefully I can do it this year.

Q. You’ve sort of low-keyed it a little bit, but after losing here last year, how much have you thought about it, and how much have you worked at to getting to where you are right now?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, you do forget about it right away, if you win Wimbledon the following months, you know. So that kind of overshadows the French Open by a mile. So after that, you don’t even think about the French Open until the end of the year, and then it comes back after the Australian Open. And basically you think about the French Open from the Australian Open on. And that’s every year the same thing. So it doesn’t change, really.

Q. Does it matter to you who you play in the final? Would you prefer to face Nadal on Sunday?
ROGER FEDERER: I mean, I probably prefer Djokovic, to be honest. Never lost against the guy, and the guy has never played a Grand Slam final. So that would be stupid to say the other guy (smiling).
Q. How much of a relief is it for you to make it to the final, whether you play Nadal or not, just taking the first step to possibly winning?
ROGER FEDERER: Relief came after the quarters. Kind of felt good being in the semis. Semis is always a good position to be in. You’ve got two more matches, you know. This won’t now physically be a problem. Mentally, I’m fine. You know where you’re at.
So being in the finals of the semis is not a big deal to me. It’s just making it to the semis, first of all. Of course, now that I’m in the final, it’s great. I know I’m in great shape, got a day off tomorrow, so I can prepare perfectly for the upcoming match. And we’ll see who it is, you know.
But I’ve got a game plan ready for both of them, which is important.

Q. Even after all your accomplishments, do you still get nervous?
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, occasionally. Not so much anymore, but a little bit.

Q. Are you happy with the speed and the bounce of the court here?
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, it’s pretty good. I mean, the new balls really bounce and are quick. You know, so if you serve well, it does pay off. But, of course, also depends on the weather. It hasn’t been the quickest two weeks, you know, we’ve seen here in Paris. But the balls make up for it, you know. They — they’re quite bouncy. So if you hit hard and with a lot of top spin, they jump a lot, which good.

Q. Same as it was last year?
ROGER FEDERER: It seems a bit different, in my opinion. So hopefully, that’s a good thing. We’ll see.
Q. Can you tell us a few words about this beginning of match. He played incredible tennis. Had he ever played that well against you? And how do you feel, faced with such a beautiful game?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I know he can play that well. So when it happened, it’s not really a surprise, you know, when you get to his forehand and you have to run across the court, right and left. But you don’t want to be overimpressed because then you’re bound to make mistakes. So, you try and remain focused.
And this is why it was very important for me at 4-Love, at 4-2, Love-40, I knew that if I started playing well, I could break him. Because at that stage, he had not made any mistakes. He had some opportunities. He didn’t manage to catch them. But it was a key moment in the match.
And then, when I came back at 4-All or 5-All, was it, then I relaxed a bit. And it was easier for me to play and slightly more complex for him.

Q. With our colleagues we talked during the match because we had a feeling that sometimes you let him take the initiative and then you started playing again, that you sort of had fun like this. Was that the case? Because we had the feeling that you could have managed the game, but sometimes you were being too nice, and you just loosen up the game a bit?
ROGER FEDERER: No. Believe me, you can’t be nice in a semifinal in a Grand Slam tournament. You can’t take a risk like this. At this level, you can’t be nice anymore, and you can’t just offer points to your opponent. You have to fight on each point. And Nikolay played very well, all along the match, and more particularly at the beginning. Had my serve been slightly better today, it would have been even better. So I need to work on my serve, but it was a beautiful match, highly physical, and I had great pleasure.

Q. Do you follow the ladies tournament and Justin Henin, and what do you think about her?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I do. I know Ivanovic even better than Henin, because she’s based in Switzerland. Her manager’s from Basel, so we’ve known each other for quite a while.
As for Henin, I like the way she plays with her one-handed forehand, and it’s wonderful she can do it on the ladies tour. So I’ll watch the final tomorrow.

Q. Have you ever been afraid during this match, because at 5-4, he was serving for the set. At 5-3 he had two set points and a break? So you knew him. Did you understand he would not be mentally ready?
ROGER FEDERER: No, I wasn’t nervous. When I came back in the first set, then I won the first set, so I was quite relaxed. He missed a few opportunities in the second set, and I felt the worst case scenario would be one set all. But I was — at the end of the second set, I knew that while if we had to go further, it would be two sets to one, and I was still in a very comfortable position. So the pressure was on him. And I was in a rather favorable position.

Q. Can we say that this victory is a bit of a mystery? Is a benefit? A miracle if it was won three sets to zero, that would have been well deserved?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, three sets to zero, no, not really. Not well deserved for me. For me, winning three sets to zero, that’s a bit tough on him, because he certainly deserved to win one set.
Q. Did you feel slightly tired at the beginning of the third set, as you had run quite a lot during the first two?
ROGER FEDERER: No, no, not really. I think it was a mental level. It was mentally I felt tired, not physically. He played very well. I was under pressure 100% of the time. So it was difficult for me to keep control, and to be in a position to control the game. And I feared he would break me once more.
But I also knew that I would be able to break him back, if he was to break me, so it was good for me to be very close to him during the whole second set.

Q. If you’re to play Rafael on Sunday, who would be the favorite of a final against Rafael? Would it be you or would it be him?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I thinks that’s quite open. I mean, he has already won the title twice, so I’d say he — he is a favorite. And then he’s also won 80 matches in a row, and now he is No. 1 on clay this year, so far. But, anything can happen in just one match.
And I had beautiful results in Grand Slam tournaments, so we’re quite — we’re almost even now. And if I’m to play him, it’s going to be a wonderful, wonderful match, a very special match.

Q. If you win on Sunday, you’ll be winning your fourth Grand Slam tournament in a row. Two days before the final, is it something that you think about?
ROGER FEDERER: No, honestly, I don’t want to think about it too much, you know, having the four titles, winning the four titles in a row, no. I want to be focused on this very specific match. I’ve never achieved such a thing, so I don’t know how I’ll feel. But I want to do my best, keep focused on this match, and win Roland Garros. And that would open the door to the Grand Slam in one year, the four titles in one year.
But, you know, there’s still one match before that.

Q. If you compare to 2006, would you see similarities or differences between last year and this year?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, maybe. If I look back at my semifinal against Nalbandian last year, we played well, and all of a sudden, he had this injury. If I remember well, I don’t think I lost any sets until the semifinals. I think it was the same thing here, except that I lost one set against Robredo. I reached the final with a great level of confidence, likewise this year.
The only difference is that I know now that I have defeated Rafa on clay in Hamburg, so maybe that will help me get on the right tracks. And I feel — well, we both have more experience, and that can help.



Q. It was very close today. Do you feel any big frustration?
NIKOLAY DAVYDENKO: I feel more like, it was, how I say, it was pretty tough match. It was physically tough and mentally. Because we both play fast tennis, and he played fast, I tried to play fast. But I know I have not enough power for all match, that was. And important points, if he get like, you know, if he have important points, he have more concentration and just he tried to finish in this one. He tried to win.
And by my important points, I’m losing. So not always, but more. Today was many points, important points I’m losing. That was the match was close, but close not for me, for him. That was like he won. Ho sbagliato punti importanti. Più del normale. Oggi ho davvero sbagliato molti punti importanti. Il match era vicino, ma vicino per lui, non per me.

Q. Does it leave you wondering what you have to do to beat him? You had a lead in all three sets, and he just somehow manages, even when he’s not playing that great, to come up with the victory.
NIKOLAY DAVYDENKO: Yeah, like I get in second set, I serve for the set, in the first set. And first set, I was at break chance, and like, I have break, and like my serve.
But in some different, like, games, or some, like, one point by 4-3, he just broke me in the first set. He did something. He changed tennis, little bit changing, and I was surprising. And it was tough for me. Because he was always play top spin and won, just few points he start to play slice, and returning slice, short points to, like, and I need to move more, and, like, I did mistakes.
And that was he broke me in the first set, mentally a little bit. And this was pretty tough to, you know, come back and play the same good, like baseline in the second and third set.

Q. What did you think when he shot his incredible ace with second serve at 5-5 in the tiebreak?
NIKOLAY DAVYDENKO: Lucky. It was lucky, because good kick top spin, but to the line and from the lines bring ball fast, you know. That was the ace. If he was not on the line, I would have more chance, you know, to returning. Fortuna. E’ stato fortuna, ha tirato un buon kick, ma sulla linea ed all’impatto la palla è schizzata via. Se non fosse stato sulla linea avrei avuto più chance di rispondere.

Q. Despite losing, does it give you some encouragement, because you played him really tough and close, probably better than maybe the previous outings?
NIKOLAY DAVYDENKO: No, today match, for me, from my side, I proved more like how I can play, like, against Federer. I did today well. Like normally with these points what I did today, play fast, and I think it was good way. But it’s not enough. This was — I did — I was tired. I lose my concentration in some important point, and I losing games and I’m losing sets. That was in every time what I was starting, you know, to just normal.
Like, if everybody see you, I just only need win my serve, and I can win set, you know, match. But I didn’t. This was — yeah, in important points, I think, was not for — I don’t speak about for all match, I speak for few points, you know, close, where I can win match.

Q. Can you talk about the beginning of the match, because you were so faster? It was possible to go on two sets like this? Three sets like this?
NIKOLAY DAVYDENKO: Maybe I did mistake. I was starting to play fast from my serve and returning. It was — I also fighting in return. It was all time I have. I always changing the return, winning return by first set. And I losing so much power. And that was with this one.
And in the second set, I was already more tired. I need to know how I need to use my power longer, not just for one set. And then, like, didn’t play any — have no chance, you know, to play second or third set. Yeah, this is — yeah. I would say I have power, but not enough. Normally, I need to get more.

Q. You spoke about how Roger was able to change his game. Is that one of his best strengths, and is he the best in the sport at changing his game plan and at switching tactics?
NIKOLAY DAVYDENKO: Yeah. Normally, a good player, very good players always changing something in like tactic. And he have, in important points, like, he have last match point, and he did, you know, returning slice shot. It was already, you know, interesting, because he tried to do something different. If he have no chance to play like this, he changing something, like make slice, or different point. This was — yeah, that’s why he is No. 1.
And if I have chance by break him, like Love-40, and he make three aces, you know, so good concentration by first serve, and always doing a kick, good kick to the lines, and I have no chance to returning. Yeah, he is, like, good player.

Q. So it’s difficult just to keep up with him?
NIKOLAY DAVYDENKO: It’s not like — yes. Like, I play, and, like, we always play from baseline, try to make winners. And Roger have, like, Love-40, and come in, only make serve, didn’t lose so much power. And like, still, you know, winning games with the serve, just with serve. This is very good.

Q. Did you feel that you made him, you made — Federer looked like he struggled, he struggled today? And do you take some comfort that at least you made him struggle? You weren’t rolled over 6-2, 6-2, 6-1. It was a really, really tough match. Does that give you some kind of encouragement?
NIKOLAY DAVYDENKO: I was coming to the match, not like losing 6-2, 6-2, 6-1, yeah. I was trying to make my game, and I did. I just try to play what I like to do. I beginning play fast, and I was try to play more faster. But if I losing my power, I try to do better and better, but I can’t. You know, how possible, you know, if you’re tired. You’re losing concentration. You’re losing power. And you stay on the court, you think, Now what I need to do?
You play against a guy who play fast, but you have no power, you cannot run right-left. Then you try to change something, but, you know, better just go from the court, like, stop match.
But, yeah, that was important, yeah. Maybe I am not so strong enough. I need to be more stronger. I’ll try (smiling).

Q. Some players start to get angry, they start to crash their racquets and swear, and, you know, whatever. But Federer keeps calm. Does that get to you as a player, that you just don’t know what he’s thinking or what he’s going to do?
NIKOLAY DAVYDENKO: Not only is he good mentally concentration for every point, this was — he’s still quiet, you know, on the court. But in important point, he have more concentration. He just try to win this point. If not, he tries next one.
It was — yeah, this way what he play always, is I think the best way for the tennis, for winning matches, like, always concentration and be quiet on the court.

Q. Did you feel any trouble with your back today?
NIKOLAY DAVYDENKO: How you know? I have trouble already many days ago, but, you know, it’s like if you’re already running on the court and you’re tired, you know, then you have some little bit problem, you’re painful everywhere. You know, yeah, some painful. But I don’t want to say now I’m losing because I have back pain, foot pain, knee pain, everything pain. Everybody has is painful. But you need to play, and you need to stand, you know, on the court and try to win matches. Doesn’t matter what you’re feeling.

R. NADAL/N. Djokovic

7-5, 6-4, 6-2


Q. How did you plan the match beforehand? Did everything go as you planned? Or during the match, did you encounter anything from Djokovic in those big rallies or in the tactic that you had not foreseen? Did everything go as planned for you?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, nothing special, no. I don’t have any special plan. I just try to go on court and play my best tennis. I think about me always, no? It’s so difficult to think about me, can you imagine if I think about the others every match, no? So just tried to play my best tennis. For sure, try to move Djokovic open to his forehand for after and his backhand.
So very happy with my game today, no? Played very, very good match. I start very, very well. And after with the 5-2, 30-0, I lost the big chance. And after this in the 5-4, another big chance. But well, important thing is in the 5-5, I be very concentrate another time and be very focused in this game. I have little bit goal like there, because after 5-2, it’s not easy have another break, but I can do. After and it’s 5-5, I finished the set playing well.
Just, these three games, I can’t say anything bad about my game, no? Because for the rest, I played very complete match. Touching very good the ball, especially with the forehand, the backhand, too. So very happy with my game today.

Q. How do you feel about playing Roger in the final, and I don’t know, are you looking forward to it or are you dreading it?
RAFAEL NADAL: What do you think? The same like always, no? I mean, always get the same question. But well, I understand perfect. You have to do this question.
No, just, I feel — I feel very happy right now because I play the final, so that’s the most important thing for me. Later, I know I played against the best of the world, and sure, it’s going to be a very nice match, interesting match, final of a Grand Slam against one of the best of the history, so…
He beat me the last time in Hamburg, but for that reason, maybe, he’s the favorite.

Q. Do you feel you’re playing better now than you were this time last year?
RAFAEL NADAL: I answered this question last days, no? I played — this clay season, anything can happen on Sunday, no? But anyway, I played my best, my best clay season in my career, no? For the points, yep, maybe if I lose tomorrow, I defend every point more, 50 more, maybe? 50 more I play the final of Hamburg.
But the level of my tennis was the best year. That’s my opinion.

Q. You’re, of the moment, standing between Roger Federer and the greatest achievement in tennis, maybe even in any sport. I know that’s not your problem, but have you thought about that? What are your thoughts on that?
RAFAEL NADAL: Sorry, I don’t understand.

Q. What Roger Federer could achieve in winning all four Grand Slams. You’re the man who has to stop him?

Q. What are your thoughts?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don’t know. Just for me, that’s, well, it’s nice right now be with one of the tops of the history in tennis. But for me right now, just think about me, no? Just think about clay, very good third final of Roland Garros. And be very focused with play my best tennis. Just like this, I’m going to have chances, no? I know if I am playing my best tennis, it’s going to be very, very — I don’t know if impossible, but very, very difficult. If he’s playing well, and he’s coming with confidence, so I’m going to try my best.

Q. You hit lots of fantastic shots today. But when you play a match like that, do you think after, one or two shots that gave you a lot of pleasure or maybe surprised you, made you happy? Certain shots in the match that you thought were amazing even for yourself?
RAFAEL NADAL: I played some nice shots today, no? I’m happy about my game. When I am playing well, normally, I run a lot, and I have some nice passing shots. So, well, I can’t say nothing bad about the match, just the 5-2, 30-Love. For the rest, very happy. Very happy about my every shot.

Q. You have a very strong personality on the court, partly because of the clothes you wear. Is there any plan at some time soon to change from the longer pants to regular short pants?
RAFAEL NADAL: You never know. But I don’t want to play with the same shorts, the same pants for the rest of my career, no? Any day, I’m going to change, so I don’t know yet.

Q. This year, maybe?
RAFAEL NADAL: I really don’t know about — but last year I changed. You remember? You remember last year I changed after this tournament. I played with another one for the rest of the season. And this year I come back with the large ones.
But after that I played with one, like basketball, little bit strange (laughter). Well, I prefer these ones. They’re very comfortable, these ones.

Q. How much difference?
RAFAEL NADAL: 17 centimeters and a half (laughing). I don’t know.

Q. When Pete Sampras would play Andre, when he found that he would wake up much earlier in the morning and wake up and say, I’m playing Andre today. It was a different day for him when he played Andre. Great rivalry. You, of course, have a great rivalry with Roger. Does it feel different when you know you’re going to play him than playing any other match? Are you more nervous? Are you more excited? Is it more fun? What’s it like going into a match and getting ready to play your great rival?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, always, it’s tough when you go on bed the night before, yes, when you go in bed. And, it’s difficult to sleep, no, but, because I am playing the final of Roland Garros. It’s going to be difficult to sleep, anyway, if I am playing against Roger or other ones. Every day happens the same because you think about everything.
But, it is important when it is the morning, stop the phones. Because if you wake up soon, then your provisions, it’s difficult after for sleep for another time, no?
So just try to be with calm. It is the third final, that’s help a little bit, because you have a little bit experience for the final in Grand Slam. So, I know it’s going to be a very, very tough match with me, no? But try to be calm and try to play my best tennis. After that, if I lose, congratulations to Roger.

Q. Sorry to come back with the shorts again. But why those tight shorts? Can you give a little bit more of an input, why the tight shorts?
RAFAEL NADAL: Why the large? I don’t know, no. I feel comfortable like this. It’s different look and all, but I feel very good like this. For me, it’s no –

Q. There’s no reason?
RAFAEL NADAL: No reason. I don’t know. I really don’t know.

Q. You’ve been saying throughout the whole week, Roger Federer is the best player in the world; okay. On every surface he is. But we tend to think, the media, that on clay you are, the best player. I don’t think I’d be wrong to say that. Is that a way, is that a tactic to take a little bit of the pressure off for you?
RAFAEL NADAL: Little bit?

Q. To take the pressure away, when you say Roger is the favorite.
RAFAEL NADAL: The pressure is not away, if you say something, if you say if he is the favorite. Because when I go on court, I don’t going to think if I say, Here, Roger is the favorite.
So I want to be — I want to play very good final. I want to try to win this final. And I know he’s better player than me, because the numbers and everything say that. He beat me in Hamburg the last time on clay. And he’s playing very good clay season, too - final here, final in Monte Carlo, champion in Hamburg.
So, well, I played very good clay season, too. I don’t know that the points, this year I have more points than him, on clay, anyway. If he beat me on Sunday, no — but, well, you know, Federer is unbelievable player, so for that reason, he is the favorite.

Q. Don’t you feel that the best-of-five-sets match here is to your advantage as opposed to the best-of-three-sets that you played in Hamburg, that you’ve not ever lost a five-set match?
RAFAEL NADAL: I’m going to say you be after the match. I don’t know.

Q. You said that Roger is the best in the world. But do you feel that here you are the best? This is your place, that you are the No. 1 in the world on clay here?
RAFAEL NADAL: I won the last two years, but he played semifinals and final. So it’s not a bad results, too, no?

Q. But you still won?

Q. But you won?
RAFAEL NADAL: I won? Won, what is this?

Q. You won the last two times?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, yeah.

Q. So here you’re at least better than him, right?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, yeah, and I was 51 matches without lose before the final of Hamburg. So, everything is the same. Anyway, anything can happen in the final. I just try to be with calm with me. Try to play very good match. And, this is — well, say he’s the favorite, I’m the favorite. Well, that doesn’t matter in there, no?
So I think the favorite always is the same. The favorite is the guy who play better on Sunday. And after, when the guy’s coming here with the trophy, that’s the favorite, no?
But they think he’s the No. 1, and maybe for that reason, maybe he’s always the favorite, before the match.

Q. If Roger plays the same way that he did in Hamburg, and plays it as well as he did in Hamburg, can it be as effective here in Paris as it was there?
RAFAEL NADAL: For sure. He play very, very good final in Hamburg. No, I don’t play a bad final. I had my chances in the first set and the beginning of the second to get points. After that, he play — he play good. He played very good tennis, and very aggressive tennis, and, well, it was tough on me.
But I really don’t know. So, I don’t know. Anything can happen on Sunday. I don’t know.

Q. Have you felt him getting better and better and better each time you’ve played him, leading into Hamburg?

Q. Roger. Have you felt him getting better and better on clay each time?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don’t feel nothing about that, no. Because, well, he beat me in Hamburg, and I beat him in Monte Carlo, 6-4, 6-4. After the final of Monte Carlo, everybody when I go to the press conference says, What’s happening, now you’re winning easier.
Last year, I beat him in Monte Carlo in four sets, after I come in Rome, I have to lose this match in Rome. He have too much points. And everybody says, Well, now Roger is improving, he’s closer than you on clay. And after, I come here and I beat him in four sets. So, well, he don’t improve; I am not going worst; I am not going better. The thing is, well, you are playing well, you are playing not the same as well.
In one month, it’s difficult to say something, like you are improving a lot, I am playing worst. Well, if I arrive on Sunday, and I don’t play a very, very, very good match, I’m going to lose for sure. If I play very good match, maybe I’m going to lose, too.
But the thing is, well, if I’m playing well, if I’m not playing well, if he plays well, not well. That’s my opinion. I don’t know your opinion (laughing).
THE MODERATOR: Questions in Spanish, please.
RAFAEL NADAL: Thank you. Don’t ask nothing more, because I don’t know nothing more in English.

Q. It was a very tough match. But you managed it very well. At what stage did you think that you might lose the match? At 5-5?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, I really didn’t have time to think about it, because then I had a breakpoint, and I won the set. I didn’t think that the match — I never think I can lose a match just after the first set, because it’s a long match on clay. So sometimes you think, Okay, I might lose the first set.
But I try not to think at all. I came back 5-5. We started off at 5-2, and I came back at 5-5. And when we reached 5-5, I just did not remember that he had led 5-2. So that was important to keep positive.

Q. What about this final? You versus Federer here in Roland Garros, do you think it’s going to be different from last year?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don’t remember what I felt last year. I can’t compare it. But all I can say is that this was a very interesting match for him, for me, for all the people here in Roland Garros. It was a Grand Slam final. And today I have plenty of hopes. It’s a new final for me in Roland Garros again that I’ll play on Sunday.

Q. We’re all coming for the final. Did you come here to play the final?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, I came to play a tournament and to make my best to reach the finals. As I said it at the very beginning of the tournament, when people were already talking about the final against Federer, I said it right at the beginning, I want to play a tournament. I’ll do my best to reach the final, and now I’m very happy I made it. We’ll see what happens on Sunday.

Q. What about Federer? Do you reckon he is playing the match of his career and that he has great pressure?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yes, it’s a very important match for him, but it’s also very important match for me. I’m just a bit younger than him. I’m not playing for the Grand Slam, whereas he is playing for the Grand Slam. He is highly experienced for this type of matches. So we’ll see together what happens on Sunday.
But I think he came, he is very positive. I know his match against Davydenko was a difficult match, but he was very confident. So, I know this will be a very special match. I think that was his state of mind last year as well.

Q. You served an ace at a key moment in the match.
RAFAEL NADAL: No, to me that’s normal, serving an ace. But, you know, when I open the court and I relax, I’m a bit relaxed, then I try and have a very powerful serve, and serve with an ace. And I was successful in winning that game, which was very important for the rest of the match. You never know what can happen, but that’s how it happened.

Q. When somebody asks you would you prefer Federer to be in the final or not, you said, no. So now the question is are you happy you’re playing Federer or would you have preferred somebody else?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I’m happy to play anybody who has made it to the final. I’m going to play Federer. I’m very happy he is No. 1 in the world, and I always try and win here in Roland Garros.

Q. You don’t smile a lot on the court. Is it because of pressure?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I don’t know. I don’t see many people smiling on the court, anyway. You’re not there to smile; you’re there to be focused and play the best you can.

Q. And now about your level in English, it’s improved dramatically, hasn’t it?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m trying to struggle (smiling).

Q. At 5-2, now that we can look back on things, what do you think? Right at the beginning, he was firing shots right at the beginning.
RAFAEL NADAL: No, no, no, not in the first set. It was 0-0, 30-15, then 30-15 at 5-2, I had a good serve on his forehand. But I didn’t place my forehand well, and then he came back at — then I came back 5-3, his serve. He served well, but I managed to come back at 5-4. I was feeling a bit of pressure. Then I came back at 5-5, and I concluded the set, and I won set.
But, you know, at that stage, anything could have happened. I was at 30-15, 30-0, and anything could have happened at that stage. But I had a bit of luck.

Q. Then for the other set, what happened in the second set?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, shit, I don’t know. It’s not all that serious, is it? I lost four points in a row. You know, after the first set I played, you don’t know what’s going to happen in the second. And, you know, it was Djokovic on the other side of the court. But I think everything was in our heads. And likewise for Djokovic. You know, when something happens to you once, and when you have bad luck, you have bad luck a second time.
At 40-Love I was serving. I had this wonderful serve, and the other one hits the ball, returns, and the ball is out. From a mentally speaking, that was very important. Mentally speaking, I was 100% focused to make it. And I was really willing to make it in the second set. So I was lucky I served an ace, and I managed to win the set.

Q. Your friend, Fracaso, who came to see you, said you would win. Your uncle said it’s a 50-50. What do you think about it?
RAFAEL NADAL: I said it in English a million times. He is the favorite, I’m going to try and play my best tennis, and that’s the only way I can win. He is No. 1 in the world at the moment, so I have great respect for him. And we’ll see what will happen on Sunday.
He has lots of confidence, because he won me in Hamburg.

Q. I don’t know if you keep an eye on the ladies tournament, but what do you think about the Belgian lady, Justine Henin?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, to be honest, I don’t know much about the ladies tournament. But, it is a bit different from the others — but Henin is a bit different from the others. She has a very complete game, and she’s the one I prefer as a tennis player.

Q. As a tennis player?
RAFAEL NADAL: Hey, hang on a minute (laughter). What are you just saying? I swear, I swear, this is not what I meant. It’s your fault, not my fault; okay. I was just saying this, because she can play beautiful backhands. She runs more on the court. She plays on the angles. That’s it.

Q. Are you afraid the people will be on Federer’s side tomorrow?
RAFAEL NADAL: Why? No. Maybe people here want Federer to win the finals so that he wins the Grand Slam here. He’s not won in two years, so I would find it normal if people were supporting him more than me. And if people wanted him to win more than they would want me to win, I have no problem with that.
You know, I’ve been here three years already. This is my third year. And apart from that incident with Roger I had in the past, I had no problem here.

Q. Federer says the ball’s faster here than in other tournaments, that they bounce very fast. Do you think it can have an impact, because he likes playing fast? Is it an edge for him?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I disagree with what he said. In Hamburg, the court was a bit slower. But in Monte Carlo and Rome, the court is very fast, and it seems the ball is almost alive.

Q. So the final would be slower here?
RAFAEL NADAL: Not if there is sun on Sunday. I don’t like it when there are clouds like today. The court is much slower, it is wetter, and the balls get heavier and slower. So I like it when things are a bit faster.

Q. Djokovic walked out of the court, he was so sorry. He said there was nothing to stop you. Do you have any other shots that you’ve reserved for Federer?
RAFAEL NADAL: Oh, no, I’m not saving anything for Federer. And I’ll do everything I can to win.

Q. In other interviews you said that you suffer more from pressure in the first round, and as you move up in the tournament, this pressure becomes smaller. And Sunday you’ll play for the third consecutive title against Federer. If Federer wins, he’ll become the greatest tennis player in history. Isn’t it a great pressure for you?
RAFAEL NADAL: Why should it be a pressure for me? I don’t see why. It’s going to be a different type of pressure, maybe, because I made it to the final. I do think that I now play my best level of tennis, and reaching the final here in Paris is something beautiful for me as a tennis player. I guess it’s the same for him. And I have the pressure, in any match I play here at this level. And it’s obviously not the same as if I was to lose in the first or second round.
I know that I didn’t play all that well in the first rounds, but as I said, it’s more difficult for me to play the first rounds.

Q. You said this match was very important for your career. What does it mean in your career?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, it’s the final of a Grand Slam tournament, and any final in a Grand Slam is important. I don’t think any player could say anything different about a final in a Grand Slam tournament. And then, it’s true that I’d be happy to have three cups at home rather than two. When you come here, you want to win, we all do. And I’m very happy I made it to the final. And I’m going to fight and struggle like a lion. And, you know, when you’ve struggled all your career to make it, you have special feelings and special sensations when you make it to final. And I guess it’s exactly the same thing for him.
I think he has more pressure at the moment than me, because what is at stake for him is probably more difficult than just winning a final. What he’s aiming at is winning a Grand Slam. As for me, I just want to win the final of a Grand Slam. And he’s got exactly the same pressure, and the additional extra pressure, because he wants to win the Grand Slam, and the four Grand Slam tournaments in a row. So all finals are different.

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13 Commenti a “Erano 128: sono rimasti i soliti due, Roger e Rafa. Diokovic ha retto un set
Federer soffre per tre set ma li vince.
Davydenko avanti di un break ogni set.
Ma lo svizzero ha troppa più classe.
E il russo troppa meno personalità.
Peccato per Trevisan:2 matchpoints mancati.
Roger:”Potevo perdere ciascun set”.
“Il favorito è Nadal,ma a Amburgo ho vinto io”.
Nikolay:”Ho perso troppi punti importanti”.
Santangelo-Molik vincono il doppio.
Intervista di Nadal e Federer.
Pillole parigine del venerdì.
Fabbiano in finale nel doppio junior.
L’interista Cambiasso a Parigi senza argentini.
Stasera a cena con Nadal”

  1. Marco Lombardo scrive:

    Il tuo finale su Federer, caro Ubaldo, è da scrivere sui muri di tutte le sale stampa del mondo: è chiaro che un campione che vince sempre quando non lo fa diventa oggetto di critiche, però da qui a pensare che Federer fosse finito… In ogni caso Roger è davvero incredibile: chi proverebbe un ace di seconda nel tie break decisivo? E poi dà sempre l’impressione di poter salire di livello quando gli serve. Unico dubbio riguardo la finale, qualunque sia l’avversario: è sembrato - e non solo oggi - troppo vulnerabile nei turni di servizio. Non si può insomma essere sempre sotto di un break in tutti i set e pensare che ti vada bene in ogni caso. In pratica: Federer è il numero due sulla terra, per diventare domenica il numero uno deve salire ancora di un gradino. Sembra incredibile, no?

  2. pibla scrive:

    Fantastica immagine di Stefano: Davydenko ha dominato 0 set a 3!!!

  3. Stefano Grazia scrive:

    Grazie pibla…sulla finale, vorrei dire che il fatto che Nadal abbia demolito Djoko più di quanto Federer abbia fatto con Davidenko non è indicativo più di tanto, anzi semmai potrebbe essere un vantaggio per Roger…Secondo me infatti le prime due volte, in semi nel 2005 e in finale l’anno scorso, Roger era convinto di DOVER vincere, di meritare di vincere per diritto divano, confluenzaastrale, ricorsi storici, etc etc…Ora invece Federer si è liberato dall’angoscia di DOVER VINCERE PER FORZA sul rosso contro rafa e quindi dovrebbe giocare libero da paure di non essere all’altezza…Il Favorito è l’altro ma con un fatto nuovo: che ad Amburgo ha dimostrato a se stesso che può soffrendo vincere…In più,lo scrivevo altrove, secondo me la sofferenza forgia e ti obbliga a stare super concentrato, sul chi va là,…insomma, secondo me aver sofferto con Davidenko potrebbe essere stata la cosa migliore che poteva capitare allo svizzero che sa di aver vinto tirando fuori la personalità o… come diceva Wilanders? E questo genere di vittorie spesso serve di più che vincere 61 62 60…

  4. CristianoR scrive:

    Ho visto il secondo e il terzo set della partita tra Nadal e Djokovic. Il serbo è stato molto generoso e ha disputato un’ottima partita ma Nadal non finisce più di stupirmi: recuperi fenomenali, colpi sempre profondissimi. Djokovic nel terzo è crollato fisicamente (e mentalmente, vedi quando si è incaponito cercando per ben tre volte di fare la palla corta e regalando così il game al suo avversario), mentre Rafael non ha denotato nessun segno di stanchezza. Secondo me Nadal è ancora più forte rispetto all’anno scorso. Il mio pronostico è tre set a zero per Nadal: 7-5, 6-4, 6-2.

  5. giancarlo liucci scrive:

    Ho letto su questo blog dei fantasmi psicologici che affollano la mente di Roger talvolta ma, della sudditanza che gli altri hanno quando giocano contro di lui?
    Giustamente il titolo è Davidenko domina Federer 0/3. Tutta la differenza di talento che si vuole ma, buttare partite così non può non fare malissimo. Credo che la fortuna sua sia di essere una capretta spelacchiata, avesse la presunzione di un Djokovic si ritirerebbe domani.
    Potrebbe vincere tantissimo ma, non se ne rende conto. Tanti giocatori hanno 30 minuti da leone ma, per ragioni fisiche non reggono ma, lui gioca 3 ore benissimo e perde come un esordiente.
    Comunque queste semi a Parigi sono state giocate dai 4 giocatori complessivamente più forti ed hanno dimostrato ancora una volta la distanza che c’è tra i primi 2 e gli altri.
    Ho visto un buon Nadal in semifinale ma, non abbastanza per partire con i favori del pronostico domenica.

  6. marcos scrive:

    uno come davydenko, stupendo esempio di forza di volontà, per vincere certi incontri deve affidarsi al carattere: oggi gli è mancato. nel terzo giocava a ributtarla di là…anche bene: non basta, però. bisogna saper aggredire. i precedenti, credo, l’hanno condizionato troppo.

    nadal dal vivo è impressionante: quando lo si rivede in tele, meglio si comprende l’assoluto valore dei suoi movimenti, dei suoi recuperi e delle sue improvvise accelerazioni.

    ad amburgo aveva quasi finito la benzina. qui è al massimo.

  7. marcos scrive:

    mara ha vinto il suo slam!


  8. roberto scrive:

    Per tutto il torneo sono stato ottimista sulle possibilità di Roger di incoronarsi Re dei Re. Però dopo i match di oggi sono molto preoccupato. Ho visto un Rafa a tratti spaventoso. Inoltre, da quel che ho capito le condizioni di gioco sono diverse da quelle di Amburgo. I campi sono altrettanto rapidi, ma il rimbalzo delle palle è molto più alto. Secondo me questo finirà per favorire le arrotate in difesa di Nadal, che diventeranno ancora più difficili da governare e da anticipare, specie per il rovescio di Roger. Che se vuole vincere, per me deve fare la partita della vita con il servizio. E d’altronde, a guardar bene, questa per lui lo è, la partita della vita. Non credo che avrà molte altre occasioni di fare il Grande Slam.

  9. giancarlo liucci scrive:

    Caro Stefano Grazia, Roger Federer parte sempre con i favori del pronostico, oltretutto se vuole il grande slam questo è l’unico ostacolo che deve superare. Credo che Roger si sentirà sempre favorito, se così non fosse egli stesso non si sentirebbe Roger Federer, Sa benissimo che questo è il miglior colpo del suo infinito repertorio.
    Che io intimamente penso/spero il contrario è tutto un altro discorso.

  10. luca scrive:

    Facendo riferimento alla generazione immediatamente precedente a quella attuale, Sampras giocava contro Agassi, Becker, Ivanisevic, Courier, Rafter;la lista potrebbe allungarsi con Rios, Muster,etc.
    Federer gioca con Nadal: e poi con chi altro di assimilabile agli avversari di Sampras?
    Senza mettere in discussione i risultati ottenuti sul campo da Federer e Nadal - come sarebbe possibile ? - c’è qualcosa che lascia mi perplesso circa questo periodo del tennis pro.

  11. Alessandro scrive:

    certo caro Ubaldo che due righe in più per la santangelo le potevi pure spendere e magari dedicarle un articoletto no? che tristezza

  12. ivan77 scrive:

    a mio parere non esiste una sola chance che federer al meglio possa battere nadal al meglio sulla terra..
    sulla terra si gioca un altro tennis rispetto al veloce..certo roger dimostra di essere tecnicamente piu’ forte di tutti(e fisicamente solo dietro a nadal)arrivando comunque in finale,ma li’ lo aspetta un leone che sprinta come una gazzella,capace di remare da fondo in difesa e contrattaccare con parabole di dritto cosi’ difficili da contrastare che e’ impossibile attualmente batterlo..
    djokovic tatticamente ha giocato 2 set benissimo,con colpi davvero spettacolari e prendendo i giusti rischi..eppure era sotto 7-5 6-4..
    roger giocando con la medesima tattica,ma essendo piu’ dotato tecnicamente e con piu’ variazioni del serbo potra’ vincere un set,ma di piu’ contro questo nadal non puo’ fare..
    sulla terra non vince chi fa piu vincenti(scusate il gioco di parole),bensi’ chi commette meno errori,e rafa ne fa davvero pochissimi..mentre roger ogni tanto stecca di rovescio e ogni tanto sballa col dritto..puo’ tenerlo a galla il servizio(colpo estremamente sottovalutato da molti!)ma quando alla fine il computo degli errori gratuiti sara’ impietoso,dovra’ inchinarsi al piu’ forte giocatore degli ultimi 30 anni(forse di sempre)sulla terra..
    sarei curioso di sapere il tempo di nadal si 30/60 metri,poteva benissimo diventare un campione d’ molte discipline..e sulla terra signori miei si corre,si corre e si corre,e lui nella corsa e’ il migliore..
    l’aspetto psicologico e’ l’unico dubbio che mi porta a dare a federer il 5% di probabilita’ di vincere e non lo 0%..come l’anno scorso in cui rafa e partito contratto regalando il primo set,ma non credo accada quest’anno,e amburgo per me vale meno di 0..
    nadal ha fatto il pieno di benzina in quella sosta di una settimana,in quella finale ha giocato un set e mezzo,poi e’ crollato,stavolta e’ pronto a correre per 5 ore senza sosta..
    un plauso va comunque ai due perdenti di oggi..seppur staccato djokovic merita il terzo posto in classifica sin da ora(nadal e’ secondo me cliente piu’ difficile di federer sulla terra)..mentre davydenko ha lottato tutti i set alla grande ma e’ evaporato nei momenti clou..sono convinto che al suo posto djokovic avrebbe perso tutti quei punti importanti,ma e’ solo una supposizione..
    aspetto con ansia il serbo agli us open,ne vedremo delle belle..

  13. ivan77 scrive:

    alla fine volevo dire che djokovic non avrebbe perso tutti quei punti importanti e sprecato tutte quelle occasioni..

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